Inspire your students with guided pranayama breathing focused on long, slow exhales that release tension from the body. This theme is the perfect opportunity to dive into deep hip-opening Yin Yoga and light flows that include Butterfly Pose, Low Lunge, Warrior Poses, and Pigeon Pose.

Yoga themes can be personal and spiritual, seasonal, or focused on a specific part of the body. Then, read how to apply a theme to a yoga class. I’ve provided 44 theme ideas for you to choose from below. Ultimately, uniquely themed classes can be what differentiates you from other instructors, leading to higher attendance rates and potentially higher income as a yoga teacher. It builds trust between you and your students while also helping them generate insights about themselves, their bodies, and their life. It is arguably the most difficult element of guiding a yoga class, but also the most important.Ī theme is like the guiding lighthouse of your class. Ĭhoosing yoga class themes should be the heart of building a yoga sequence. The one who keeps the students coming back for more. The one who is able to deliver yoga themes so eloquently, it reaches the masses and infects them with learning and discovery. 3.5 Holiday Themes (Christmas theme, etc)Īs yoga instructors, we all wish to be that teacher who has made a significant impact on our students.In Yoga Nidra, you leave the Waking state, go through the Dreaming state, and into the Deep Sleep state, yet remain fully awake. The state of Yoga Nidra, conscious Deep Sleep, is beyond or subtler than the imagery and mental process of the Waking and Dreaming states. Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity and is one of the deepest of all meditations, leading awareness through many levels of mental process to a state of supreme stillness and insight. You simply lie down comfortably and cool the body and relax whilst my voice guides you. The last 30 minutes of the session will be a guided meditation yoga sleep which is an even deeper effortless state of relaxation. Afterwards you will feel completely nourished and absolutely heavenly! You simply lie back and relax in position, supported by the props. This is a great way to realign the body and mind after injury or trauma (both physical or emotional) and to reset held patterns of misalignment. In Restorative yoga, each pose is held for 10 – 20 minutes and props such as soft bolsters, straps, sand bags, blankets, chairs and eye bags are used to support the body allowing you to open and release deep tension through passive stretching in a very nurturing way. Develops qualities of compassion toward others and self.Improves capacity for healing and balancing.As we let go, we become softer and create space for our mind and body to connect with our natural innate qualities of inner calm, peace, love, compassion and understanding of others and self. During a restorative Yoga sequence, you still stretch, but at the same time you relax fully in to the stretch so that tension can be released on a deep cellular level. The beauty of restorative Yoga is that there is no muscular contraction involved, we can actually achieve more opening in parts of the body that we perceive as tight by literally softening and relaxing. We may end up with a busy racing mind, or simply feeling overwhelmed, over worked, and exhausted – the result of which can bring on illness. When the pace of life is fast, especially in December, our minds can easily become over stimulated - therefore our nervous system takes a beating and our immune system has to work extra hard. Restorative yoga has an enormous capacity to heal physical and mental symptoms that are stress related.

Think of the Winter Solstice as the fourth and final reflection of your 2019 life-symphony and treat yourself to some ‘me time’ with the best yoga gift of all, a festive winter solstice morning of restorative yoga and yoga nidra, let go of what no longer serves you so that you may clear the slate for all that is coming your way. Can we activate some powerful intentions by diving deep within ourselves and witnessing the hurt parts of ourselves, allow them to be seen and heard then shed the old to make way for new ways of being as welcome the return of light.

WINTER SOLSTICE invites us to turn inward nourish, restore, let go, heal, listen deeply and reflect and for thousands of years it has been celebrated around the world, marking an auspicious shift in daylight, when we can begin to emerge from the darkness back into the light.